I have decided this is a Sharp-shinned or Coopers Hawk that has been chasing birds close to the house, causing them to flying into the window wall and netting the hawk its prey. Any help in identification would be welcome. We have witnessed this happen several times now, this time I just happened to have my camera close by and the victim was a starling, not a dove.
The Podophyllum peltatum(Mayapple) is everywhere on the edges of the hedgerow next to the stream that meanders to the Chester River. On closer inspection there are the basal leaves of the Clatonia lanceolata (spring beauty) coming up as well as the mottled leaves of the Erythronium(Dog tooth Violet or Trout lily). I did find one flower bud in the vast swath of mayapple, so I expect that it will be open by tomorrow. Hope I can remember where it is. The Amelanchier canadensis are in full bloom, with the leaves starting to unfold, along the eastern woods.
Those rains yesterday have slowed the progress of finishing the plowing of the corn field, but if the predicted winds stir up, it will dry quickly.
Loved the unblinkered view of Nature up close and almost-personal.