The little Killdeer, parked in the gravel pathway has no thoughts of leaving. When threatened, he screeches, flutters his wings, charges, and if it is a code 3 emergency, calls to this mate to come in for reinforcement. Today with the rain things should be more peaceful.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The little Killdeer, parked in the gravel pathway has no thoughts of leaving. When threatened, he screeches, flutters his wings, charges, and if it is a code 3 emergency, calls to this mate to come in for reinforcement. Today with the rain things should be more peaceful.
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I really enjoy your bird pics and the pieces you write in conjunction, Janet. My mom had a killdeer who put her nest in the middle of the driveway 4 years running and each time Mom moved it off to the side. It was almost like a game between them.