It's amazing how fast things go ( and grow) this time of year. Two weeks ago, the multicolored peas (bottom left) from Cook's Garden were barely through the ground. Now they're like a botanical version of Janis Joplin's coif. All unruly and refusing to be tamed. But lovely. I can hardly keep up with the bindweed (Convolvulus). Little sprouts appear everywhere, climb up a fork left for a day against the pergola, sneak up the stalks of the trumpet lilies and grab hold of the bee balm (Monarda didyma) in an often-successful attempt to wrestle them back down to the dirt as though they resent the Monarda's sturdy character. It's a perpetual battle, not helped by the guilt produced by those glossy pictures of perfect gardens you see in magazines. But I've had lettuce and herbs out of the garden so far, enjoyed the iris and peonies immensely, and have just last night cut my first bok choy, a real beauty. Next week, I'll probably have peas.
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